

০৩ নভেম্বর, ২০১৯ ০৩:০৮ অপরাহ্ণ

Pronunciation Related Activities Existing in English For Today Book And effective Way of teaching Them

Pronunciation related activities existing in English for Today book and effective way of teaching them. For many years, I taught English in a variety of contexts without having a clear idea

of how to teach pronunciation . Having established that intelligible pronunciation is one of the necessary components of oral communication, the next issue is methodological: How can teachers improve the pronunciation of unintelligible speakers of English so that they become intelligible? This is a problem for Communicative Language Teaching, since proponents of this approach have not dealt adequately with the role of pronunciation in language teaching, nor have they developed an agreed-upon set of strategies for teaching pronunciation communicatively .In this assignment I will try to show  Pronunciation related activities existing in English for Today book and effective way of teaching them.

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