

০৩ নভেম্বর, ২০১৯ ০৩:২২ অপরাহ্ণ

Covering a wide range of SDGs including Quality Education

In today’s world of advanced computer technology, distances are shrinking and communications are becoming faster day by day. This has led to rapid globalization the role of which is to homogenize cultures and to extend partnerships at various levels. It is through the ISA, International School Award introduced by the British Council that we’ve got a vast platform to know ourselves and others better than ever before. Every society needs educated people and the major responsibility of educated people is to bring knowledge and wisdom back into the community and make it available to others so that their lives can make sense.ISA has provided an excellent opportunity to the educated people all over the globe to be responsible citizens of their planet and to inculcate this sense of responsibility among the society fellows around them. Covering a wide range of SDGs including Quality Education, Good Health and Well-Being, Reduced Inequalities, Peace,Justice and Strong Institutions, Partnerships for the Goals, Climate Action and several others, ISA ensures to develop a truly positive sense of conserving what we have with us. This is being done in such an effective way that not only the elders, the younger ones too can understand well the real need of the hour i.e. to bring the diverse nations of the world closer together to achieve high levels of growth and success. Furthermore, the use of innovative technology and communication enhances the international interaction and integration among people and places worldwide. With reference to Bangladesh , I can see the immense impact of global partnerships on the education system where British Council has given a chance to the public, semi-public and private institutions to step forward to be participate enthusiastically in the ISA. Infect, ISA has  given a new spark of working diligently to all participants and community members to achieve more. Through this short article, I want to convey special thanks to the British Council for designing such an intricate and practically useful project that will surely have a long lasting global impact. I wish best of luck to all those who are directly or indirectly a part of the ISA journey.

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