সহকারী শিক্ষক
২০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২০ ১১:০৩ পূর্বাহ্ণ
Transformation of sentence Part-03
ধরনঃ সাধারণ শিক্ষা
শ্রেণিঃ নবম
বিষয়ঃ English Grammer and Composition
অধ্যায়ঃ নবম অধ্যায়
Simple Sentence:
When in a sentence that has one independent clause it is called simple sentence.
Example: He confessed his illegal act.
Complex Sentence:
When in a sentence that has one clause and one or more subordinate clauses it is called a complex sentence.
Example: He confessed that he was guilty of his illegal act.
Compound Sentence:
When in a sentence that has more than one main clause it is called the compound sentence.
Example: I went to watch a movie named Justice League, but the movie was already houseful