

১১ এপ্রিল, ২০২০ ১১:০৮ পূর্বাহ্ণ

এইচএসসি বিশেষ প্রস্তুতি । ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্র-Part-A : Grammar (60 Marks)

Part-A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1.       Fill in the blanks in the following text with articles as necessary. Put a cross  in those blanks where an article is not necessary.          


(a) — few years ago, I was on (b) — holiday in (c) — Himalayas. I stopped for (d) — night in (e) — small village. It was (f) — very poor village and there was no proper hotel, but (g) — owner of (h) — restaurant offered me (i) — bed for (j) — night. 

2. Complete the text with suitable prepositions :          0.5´10=5

One day some boys were playing (a) — a pond. All (b) — a sudden, they saw some frogs were swimming (c) — it. They started throwing stones (d) — them. Two or three frogs died (e) — it. One senior frog holding its head (f) — said, ‘Please stop this cruel act (g) — yours.’ The boys said, ‘We are playing a game. We will not stop.’ ‘What is a game (h) — you is a cause (i) — death (j) — us’, said the frog.

3. Complete the sentences with suitable phrase or words given in the box.   0.5´10=5

as soon as there was born had better what if
let alone what's it like it as if has to

a) — the master sat down to eat, he noticed the missing drumstick.

b) She — maintain all the expenditure in her family.

c) — was a philosopher. He thought that the universe would be destroyed.

d) He commanded me — I had been his servant.

e) — was a black magic. Hence they were spell-bound.

f) They — buy a new car instead of the old car.

g) The child cannot walk, — run.

h) — rain comes? The game will stop.

i) — living in Hawaiian style?

j) Emily — at Amherst, Massachusetts.

4. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/phrases.           0.5×10=5

a) As soon as the bell rings —.

b) Saturday is the day when —.

c) Hardly had the sun risen —.

d) Read attentively —.

e) I returned home because —.

f) I am sure that —.

g) Though farmers work hard —.

h) — unless we work hard.

i) When I was studying —.

j) We should walk —.

5.       Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.         0.5´10=5

I have (a) — (get) your letter just now. In your letter you have (b) — (write) that the marriage ceremony of your younger sister will be (c) — (hold) next month. You (d) — (request) me to pay a visit to your house. You have also (e) — (decide) to invite all of your relatives by (f) — (take) me with you. I am very (g) — (please) to know the matter. I will (h) — (visiting) you within two or three days. I will (i) — (bringing) my friend Mahin who (j) — (be) very expert in managing such affairs.

6. Change the sentences as directed.      1´5=5

 (a) He is called the father of western philosophy. (Active)

(b) Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues. (Positive)

(c) He walks about the class when he feels necessity. (Compound)

(d) Bangladesh is a small country but has a vast population. (Simple)

(e) The sun, a star in the sky, is one of the greatest sources of energy. (Complex)


7. Change the narrative style using direct speeches. 5

‘What part of India do you come from, Mr Reddy?’ ‘From Madras, though I was born and educated in Hyderabad. ‘Is this your first visit to Delhi, Mr Reddy?’ asked Tom. ‘No, I quite often come here on official business.’ 


8. Identify the unclear pronoun reference in the following paragraph. where necessary, re-write the sentence so that all pronoun references are clear.    1´5=5

Othello was a brave soldier whom had risen to become a General. He had shown its bravery in many bloody battles against the Turks. Someone praised him and the senate trusted him. Brabantio, a rich senator of Venice, had only one child, a daughter named Desdimona. Brabantio often invited Othello to his house where he and her daughter listened in wonder to Othello as she spoke about his adventures.



1. (a) A; (b) a; (c) the; (d) a; (e) a; (f) a;

(g) the; (h) the; (i) a; (j) the.

2. (a) beside; (b) on; (c) in; (d) at; (e) by; (f) above/up; (g) of; (h) for/to; (i) of; (j) for/to.

3. (a) As soon as; (b) has to; (c) There; (d) as if; (e) It; (f) had better; (g) let alone; (h) What if; (i) What’s it like; (j) was born.

4. (a) the teacher enters the class; (b) the school remains closed; (c) when we resumed our journey; (d) lest you should fail in the exam; (e) I was tired; (f) he will come;

(g) they lead a poor life; (h) We will lag behind; (i) Ripon came to me; (j) since there is no vehicle on the road.

5. (a) got/gotten; (b) written; (c) held; (d) have requested; (e) decided; (f) taking; (g) pleased; (h) visit; (i) bring; (j) is.

6. (a) People call him the father of western philosophy.

(b) No other virtue is as/so great as truthfulness.

(c) He feels necessity and so he walks about the class.

(d) In spite of being a small country Bangladesh has a vast population.

(e) The sun which is a star in the sky is one of the greatest sources of energy. 

7. Tom asked Mr Reddy what part of India he (R) came from. Mr Reddy replied that he came from Madras though he (R) had been born and educated in Hyderabad. Tom asked Mr. Reddy if that was his (R) first visit to Delhi. Replying negatively Mr. Reddy said that he quite often went there on official business.

8. Othello was a brave soldier who had risen to become a General. He had shown his bravery in many bloody battles against the Turks. People praised him and the senate trusted him. Brabantio, a rich senator of Venice, had only one child, a daughter named Desdemona. Brabantio often invited Othello to his house where he and his daughter listened in wonder to Othello as he spoke about his adventures.